Hello All, How can we use like java reflexion in SAIL to can call dyn

Hello All,

How can we use like java reflexion in SAIL to can call dynamically a rule expression or function from a rule expression?
For example something like that: invoke("rule!name",{param1;param2})
If it´s not ootb is there any plugin to do that?

thank you in advance for you answer,
Best regards.



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  • If I understand the context correctly, as per my knowledge we can invoke a rule or function by just passing its reference to other rule via it's rule inputs. And 'APN_uiGridTextColumnAuto', one of the Appian common objects is a classic example for this which has been shown in the attached picture. In this rule, the rule input 'formatter', which is of 'Any Type' data type, has the capability to accept a rule or function by reference. Example: rule!APN_uiGridTextColumnAuto(formatter:fn!tostring) or rule!APN_uiGridTextColumnAuto(formatter:rule!myRuleName)

    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, as I have been thinking that that the possibility of invoking any rule dynamically(as described in the above examples) can't be denied.

  • If I understand the context correctly, as per my knowledge we can invoke a rule or function by just passing its reference to other rule via it's rule inputs. And 'APN_uiGridTextColumnAuto', one of the Appian common objects is a classic example for this which has been shown in the attached picture. In this rule, the rule input 'formatter', which is of 'Any Type' data type, has the capability to accept a rule or function by reference. Example: rule!APN_uiGridTextColumnAuto(formatter:fn!tostring) or rule!APN_uiGridTextColumnAuto(formatter:rule!myRuleName)

    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, as I have been thinking that that the possibility of invoking any rule dynamically(as described in the above examples) can't be denied.

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