Concerning the Internationalization for Forms and Dashboards Plugin

Concerning the Internationalization for Forms and Dashboards Plugin. I just read that check-ins and check-outs are being deprecated in future versions of Appian. What is the recommended way of handling the translation bundles for this plugin in the future?



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  • Knowledge Centers and files are still available. I use them today on 7.11.

    The deprecation is regarding very narrow aspects of features. Both of which were only available via /designer/
    Check-out is a very specific piece of functionality which would lock a file to that individual.
    Subscribing was also very specific in context of a KC and did little more than "star" a KC.

    Regarding the plug-in, the author or community will need to update it accordingly.
  • Knowledge Centers and files are still available. I use them today on 7.11.

    The deprecation is regarding very narrow aspects of features. Both of which were only available via /designer/
    Check-out is a very specific piece of functionality which would lock a file to that individual.
    Subscribing was also very specific in context of a KC and did little more than "star" a KC.

    Regarding the plug-in, the author or community will need to update it accordingly.
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