Using the plugin Send HTTP Request : Hi, We are trying to integr

Using the plugin Send HTTP Request :

We are trying to integrate with external system using an Httppost
Currently, Appian and the other system are using 2 different SSO policies for authorisation.
It is observed the parameters are getting lost or invalidated while switching betrween the SSOs

Attaching the httpost request snippet



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  • What actually happens is, we are able to launch a new window from SAIL UI, but before the filenet page loads, there is an popup error saying the below.
    One of required parameters was not passed.List of missed parameters: reference-number

  • It looks to me like a problem with the body you're posting - what format is that supposed to be in? Should it be HTML-encoded?
  • Hi Philb,
    The body has few parameters to be passed and what you see in attachment is the paramnames and the respective paramvalues.
    For example, paramame 'viewer_mode' has paramvalue 'vertical'
    It does not have to be html encoded.But, does it require any specific format here.
  • The format required in your call of httppost will be defined by the service itself. I suggest you replicate the call you're making with httppost in SOAPUI or an equivalent external tool to make sure your format is correct. Alternatively, remove the extract() function that is wrapping the httppost call and check what result you're receiving.
  • Hi Philb,
    Tried removing extract() function and checked on appian rule interface. The preview could not be displayed but below response is shown in interface.
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE></HEAD><BODY onLoad="document.AUTOSUBMIT.submit();">This page is used to hold your data while you are being authorized for your request.<BR><BR>You will be forwarded to continue the authorization process. If this does not happen automatically, please click the Continue button below.<FORM NAME="AUTOSUBMIT" METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ACTION=
    is not a permitted URI under the configured security rules and cannot be cast to safeUri.