I'm currently developing a reference maintenance function and wondered if an

I'm currently developing a reference maintenance function and wondered if anyone had already done something similar ? The rationale is that we can give maintenance function to trusted Business reps so they can maintain the reference data used in Appian processes or exposed to other systems, things like Pension Annual Allowances (changed by UK Government), Document Hyperlinks (changed as and when the URL is amended).

I'm currently using a combination of Records and related actions to Add or Edit entries (as per the attachment) and wondered if this approach is a good idea or if there are some existing patterns I could plug into ?



Reference Data Maintenance.docx



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  • Definitely something that's worth pushing over to the business, but it's very important to consider the effects changes on reference data can have - for example, what will a change do to in-flight instances and should completed instances be referencing the "old" or "new" data?

    Often it's a requirement to record exactly what the user saw in their tasks, so overwriting reference data is inadvisable. Instead, logically delete an entry and add a new one so that the data can still be referenced by older instances and the history is preserved.
  • Definitely something that's worth pushing over to the business, but it's very important to consider the effects changes on reference data can have - for example, what will a change do to in-flight instances and should completed instances be referencing the "old" or "new" data?

    Often it's a requirement to record exactly what the user saw in their tasks, so overwriting reference data is inadvisable. Instead, logically delete an entry and add a new one so that the data can still be referenced by older instances and the history is preserved.
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