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I'm assuming you already have the user UUID pulled from the log file that you want to find; I don't know if there's an in-system way to do this in particular. However I previously wrote the following functionality which finds the user belonging to the UUID you're looking for, here referred to as ri!findUUID:
with( local!allUsers: getdistinctusers(cons!GROUP_CONTAINING_ALL_USERS), local!allUUIDs: apply( fn!user( _, "uuid" ), local!allUsers ), local!lookupTable: joinarray( apply( fn!concat, merge( local!allUsers, repeat(length(local!allUsers), " - "), local!allUUIDs ) ), char(10) ), local!foundUser: index(local!allUsers, wherecontains(ri!findUUID, local!allUUIDs)), "Found: " & local!foundUser & char(10)&char(10) & "List:" & char(10) & local!lookupTable )
(EDIT: note that this trick should no longer be needed in at least the recent few versions, please see my newest response further down-thread from here).