Hi, i am trying to use the Deployment automation manager shared component. I am

Hi, i am trying to use the Deployment automation manager shared component. I am facing 2 issues as below
1. After committing a patch and building a package using the automated version manager i am not able to import that generated zip file. I am getting the error "Status: Failed. Current step: . Error message: Error in the configuration of the deployment. Target application cannot be provided when supplying an automated deployment package". if i unzip it and use the application_files_datetimestamp.zip inside it, then i am able to apply the patch.
2. while i am applying the patch using the command
deploy-application.bat -application_path "D:\\COE\\Appian\\GeneratedApplicationPackages\\Sample\\application_20160405_1552.zip" -username loginID -password password -url http://myhost/suite -update_db_schema false -uuid uuidoftheApplication the log "Status: In Progress. Current step: Importing Application. Log file id: 12901" is getting repeated and the scrip...



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  • Hi, As you said i removed the UUID and it worked. Thanks for the help. Just for clarification, do you mean that the patch file generated out of buildpackage option in the automated versioning tool is not a standard appian application patch but the one generated through appian designer console is the standard application package. Is my understanding correct?
  • Hi, As you said i removed the UUID and it worked. Thanks for the help. Just for clarification, do you mean that the patch file generated out of buildpackage option in the automated versioning tool is not a standard appian application patch but the one generated through appian designer console is the standard application package. Is my understanding correct?
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