All, I would like to know how to build a search filter in ldap query in order to search for the users from a particular group for a given DN and OU. Please note that I am making use of LDAP Tools plugin. Here's the information of the LDAP environment:Full LDAP Server URL: ldap://myhostname:389Service Manager Username: CN=AdministratorService Manager Password: Welcome@123Base DN: dc=appianOU: hr (heirarchically falls under dc=appian)scsExternalSystemKey: ldap.local And here's how I have tried configuring the search filter in various ways, but I am unable to retrieve any results:1. ldapsearch( config:{ scsExternalSystemKey:"ldap.local", usePerUserCredentials:false, url:"ldap://myhostname:389", baseDN: "dc=appian,ou=hr" }, searchFilter:"(&(ObjectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=user.1)(memberof=CN=development,OU=hr,DC=appian))", attributes:{}, pagingInfo:a!pagingInfo( startIndex:1, ...
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