Hi, I have the message below starting the engines. Collabo


I have the message below starting the engines.

Collaboration Statistics 1/1 FATAL! No gateway is active.
Inconsistent DBID on GW1
Server Database ID: 3673, Gateway Database ID: 0N

Process-Analytics0000 1/1 FATAL! No gateway is active.
Inconsistent DBID on GW1
Server Database ID: 378, Gateway Database ID: 0N

Process-Exec00 1/1 FATAL! No gateway is active.
Inconsistent DBID on GW1
Server Database ID: 3293, Gateway Database ID: 0N

What can I do?




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  • in your engine gateway folders there will be a kdb file with incremental number , and when you run checkengine.bat for each engine,it will provide a number  which has last successful kdb recorded in primary table. if you delete the kdb with higher number , it should be able to map with correct kdb.

    for example: consider personalisation, if  engine fails and it will throw "Inconsistent DBID on GW1

    Server Database ID: 200 . Goto respective engine gateway folder. there should be something like ag1.kdb, check for kdb file with maximum number or recently created. for example ag202.kdb , delete the kdb files after 200 which is ag201.kdb and ag202.kdb , where the maximum kdb should be same as value available in transition table. if the recent kdb created is less than transition table number then rename the last working kdb with that number present transition .