#LDAP #LDAP Tools Plugin Hi, would any of you please be able to comment on the

#LDAP #LDAP Tools Plugin Hi, would any of you please be able to comment on the below mentioned behaviors which is with regards to batchSize and totalCount in fn!ldapsearch()?

1. Error if batch size is negative:
fn!ldapsearch() has been failing to evaluate when the batchSize is equal to -1. For instance, refer the attached pictures and you can find that the same fn!ldapsearch() executes well and returns when batchSize is positive(refer positive batch size.png) but throws an error when the batchSize is negative(refer negative batch size.png).

2. Zero Total Count:
totalCount is shown as zero even when one or more than one records are retrieved and again this can be inferred from the image(positive batch size.png) attached to the post.

Is the problem with the way I implemented fn!ldapsearch() or the LDAP vendor(I believe fn!ldapsearch() is really a best fit for AD) I am making use of? Any pointers are really appreci...



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  • The error code is being returned by the AD. It seems that the AD is unable to handle the -1 input. If that is the case, you may need to batch your queries. It may also be helpful to run tests from JXplorer to determine if there are any issues with the fn!ldapsearch() configuration.

    Regarding the zero total count issue, if the data is being returned correctly then it sounds like you may be getting the totalcount of the wrong dataset.
  • @tom.ryan Do you meant to say that the fn!ldapsearch() isn't able to support AD in the LDAP vendor I am making use of, in case of batch size? As of now, I am able to interact perfectly with LDAP vendor and fn!ldapsearch() and so i wonder how the usage of JXplorer will help me understand the issue. Anyhow FYI, I have used JXplorer already and I am not using it at the moment because I don't see any problems in establishing the connection with LDAP server or reading the information by making use of fn!ldapsearch().

    And re zero total count issue, I didn't understand what you are trying to say. Just to let you know, the images attached above represents the LDAPResponse object which is output of fn!ldapsearch() and I don't have a chance to do much over there apart from configuring its input parameters.
  • I am saying that when you are passing the negative batch size, the AD is throwing the error you are seeing.

    I was suggesting using JXplorer for another alternative to troubleshooting the issue/determining the correct parameters. Troubleshooting through JXplorer can be helpful since you do not have to configure Appian.

    Regarding the total count I initially misunderstood the issue. Does the AD have VLV enabled? If so can you try disabling it and see if you have the same behavior.
  • Looking at the code I see this line sets the size limit for org.ldaptive.SearchRequest


    per the JavaDocs of this library the:

    sizeLimit: maximum number of entries to include in the search result; A value of 0 means includes all entries.

    Note how it says that 0 means "all entries". You should use that instead of -1.

    I am not the author of this plug-in but at a glance that's my take on this issue.