I have a drop down with few values and also a grid which retrieves the values fr

I have a drop down with few values and also a grid which retrieves the values from database. Upon selecting the values in the drop down the values in the grid should change dynamically. Is this possible without using "with" function.



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  • It should be possible. Take a look at this SAIL recipe - forum.appian.com/.../SAIL_Recipes.html

    The example uses queryRecord() to retrieve the data but this can easily be replaced with a queryEntity()
  • @sivac Yes, that's viable without making use of with(). Do following while coding the SAIL interface:

    1. Initially in load(), create a datasubset variable (which you are planning to use for Paging Grid) and populate the datasubset(that is, query the database entity with default Paging Info, filters and assign the resultant contents to datasubset variable) variable.
    2. Populate the datasubset(that is, query the database entity with Paging Info of Paging Grid, filters and store the resultant contents in the datasubset variable) under 'saveInto' of each SAIL component that acts as filter to the Grid.
    3. An alternate to (1) is, you may configure a button namely 'Search' and populate the datasubset (that is, query the database entity with Paging Info of Paging Grid, filters and store the resultant contents in the datasubset variable) under the 'saveInto' of Search button.
    4. Populate the datasubset(that is, query the database entity with Paging Info of Paging Grid, filters and store the resultant contents in the datasubset variable) under 'saveInto' of Paging Grid.