Error in Jboss

Dear all,

We had to restart Appian, and while doing this we used the following:

While we were starding Appian, despite the fact that Appian services started, and Appian engines are doing very good, we encountered the following error - copied for this particular start:

2016-07-27 21:23:48,580 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.config.PrimaryDataSourceConfig - Validating and initializing the primary data source: java:/AppianPrimaryDS
2016-07-27 21:23:51,138 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS] Checking schema and migrating if necessary (appian/db/changelog/db-changelog-master.xml)...
2016-07-27 21:23:55,532 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS] Schema check/migration completed successfully.



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  • ...27 21:23:55,538 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS] Verifying that entity mappings match the schema...
    2016-07-27 21:23:56,200 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS] Mappings and schema validated successfully.
    2016-07-27 21:23:56,201 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS] Initializing search engine (SearchConfig[searchIndexDir=C:\\appian\\_admin\\search-local\\index-primary, syncOnInit=true, syncPeriodMs=10000, deletionsSyncFrequency=30, offsetFromLastSyncMs=10000, offsetFromSyncStartMs=10000, batchSizeForLoadingObjectsFromDb=1000, batchSizeForLoadingIdsFromSearchIdx=1000, unlockSearchIndexWhenUnused=false])...
    2016-07-27 21:23:56,913 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS]...
  • ... Search engine initialized successfully: SearchEngineLuceneImpl[LuceneManager[searchIndexDirPath=C:\\appian\\_admin\\search-local\\index-primary, unlockSearchIndexWhenUnused=false]]
    2016-07-27 21:23:56,930 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS] Synchronizing the search index with the database data...
    2016-07-27 21:23:57,298 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS] Search index synchronized successfully: IndexUpdateStats[previousSyncTs=2016-07-27 21:11:29.516 (1469653889516), startTs=2016-07-27 21:23:56.948 (1469654636948), updateFromTs=2016-07-27 21:11:19.516 (1469653879516), updateToTs=2016-07-27 21:24:06.948 (1469654646948), totalTimeMs=350, totalNumObjectIndexed=0, numObjectsIndexedPerEntity={}, totalNumObjectsDeleted=0, numObjectsDeletedPerEntity={com.appiancorp.tempo.rdbms.EventFeedEntry=0}]
    2016-07-27 21:23:57,299 [Ser...
  • ... verService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.hb.DataSourceManagerHbImpl - [java:/AppianPrimaryDS] Scheduling the search index sync to be executed in 10000ms.
    2016-07-27 21:23:57,307 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.config.PrimaryDataSourceConfig - Primary data source: java:/AppianPrimaryDS DataSourceMetadata[databaseProductName=Microsoft SQL Server, databaseProductVersion=11.00.5058, driverName=Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server, driverVersion=4.0.2206.100]
    2016-07-27 21:24:22,647 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.config.UserDataSourcesConfig - Data sources: [java:/AppianProcDS, java:/AppianReportingDS]
    2016-07-27 21:24:22,649 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.config.UserDataSourcesConfig - Validating data source: java:/AppianProcDS
    2016-07-27 21:24:23,378 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.config.UserDataSourcesConfig - Data source: java:/A...
  • ... ppianProcDS DataSourceMetadata[databaseProductName=Microsoft SQL Server, databaseProductVersion=11.00.5058, driverName=Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server, driverVersion=4.0.2206.100]
    2016-07-27 21:24:23,379 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.config.UserDataSourcesConfig - Validating data source: java:/AppianReportingDS
    2016-07-27 21:24:23,488 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.rdbms.config.UserDataSourcesConfig - Data source: java:/AppianReportingDS DataSourceMetadata[databaseProductName=Microsoft SQL Server, databaseProductVersion=11.00.5058, driverName=Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server, driverVersion=4.0.2206.100]
    2016-07-27 21:24:27,376 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.type.config.plugin.PojoDatatypesConfig - system: No new data types created.
    2016-07-27 21:24:33,055 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.type.config.plugin.PojoDatatypesConfig - system: No new data ...
  • ... types created.
    2016-07-27 21:25:13,022 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.common.initialize.PingJMS - Sending ping to JMS from OPT-LOSPRD/
    2016-07-27 21:25:18,524 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO - Could not find appian-topology.xml on the classpath. The default search server topology configuration will be used, but this configuration cannot be hot-reloaded.
    2016-07-27 21:25:18,545 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO - initializing client with server addresses: [localhost:9300]
    2016-07-27 21:25:19,899 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO - client settings: {, path.logs=C:/appian/logs, client.transport.ping_timeout=20s, name=Client AA753D25, network.server=false, node.client=true, clie...
  • ... nt.type=transport}
    2016-07-27 21:25:19,900 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO - client configured nodes: [[#transport#-1][OPT-LOSPRD][inet[localhost/]]]
    2016-07-27 21:25:19,901 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO - client connected nodes: [[Node localhost:9300][Sf_9hdtIS9yc9YUdL_-nsA][OPT-LOSPRD][inet[localhost/]]]
    2016-07-27 21:25:19,929 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO - search server: productName=ElasticSearch, productVersion=1.4.0, driverName=org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient, driverVersion=1.4.0
    2016-07-27 21:25:29,040 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.ix.spring.IaReplicatorSpringListener - Registering IA listener for primary data source transactions.
    2016-07-27 21:25:29,046 [Serve...
  • ... rService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.ix.spring.IaReplicatorSpringListener - Registering IA listener for K transactions.
    2016-07-27 21:25:29,053 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 89] INFO com.appiancorp.ix.spring.IaReplicatorSpringListener - Scheduling IA replication timer with a 60000 ms delay.
    2016-07-27 21:25:31,261 [Appian Timer - 0] ERROR com.appiancorp.core.timer.timers.TransientTopicHeartbeat - No acknowledgement from TransientTopic, forcing rules cache to be cleared now.

    It happed before, but somehow it managed to start itself (with no human intervention) after a couple of hours. However it is a bit of a mistery for us why this errors happens, and how could we solve it in a controllable way.

    We would appreciate help as soon as possible, since we are now discussing about a production server that does not want to start.

    Thank you in advance,