Adding filters to portal report for all process instances

Certified Associate Developer


I have portal report created for all process instances, Report data is fetched in process model using execute process report smart service.
Now i want to add aditional filter on report for certain process models name such as Column ="Name" ; operator = "<>" ; Value= "constant(text array of process models name)"
But this filter does not return any value. Whereas when i use Value as single process name, additional filter works properly.

Any input on how i can filter out the multiple process model names?




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  • @kaushikr, if you decide to go with the alternate suggestion given by Sikhivahan of adding a Boolean column with the definition of fn!contains(pm!name, listofProcessModelNames), I would like to make a small suggestion in terms of performance.

    Instead of trying to filter on process model names, filter on process model Ids. The reason - process model ids are integers. Integers are always faster than Strings if you are going to search in them(which is what the fn!contains function does). So, instead create a multivalued constant containing the process model ids instead of process model names if you decide to go by the alternate approach suggested.

    By the way, the better option will be using queryProcessAnalytics
  • @kaushikr, if you decide to go with the alternate suggestion given by Sikhivahan of adding a Boolean column with the definition of fn!contains(pm!name, listofProcessModelNames), I would like to make a small suggestion in terms of performance.

    Instead of trying to filter on process model names, filter on process model Ids. The reason - process model ids are integers. Integers are always faster than Strings if you are going to search in them(which is what the fn!contains function does). So, instead create a multivalued constant containing the process model ids instead of process model names if you decide to go by the alternate approach suggested.

    By the way, the better option will be using queryProcessAnalytics
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