How to Define "BLOB" dataType of SQL in Appian CDT


I have a table in database with three columns
ID - Number
Document - BLOB

The Document column is of "BLOB" DataType....
Now I need to create a CDT and Map it to the Table
To do so what should be the dataType in my CDT or XSD Definition

Appreciate ur response....!!!!


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  • For sending the doc as BLOB i am using insert query. I have tried multiple combination but still I am getting the below error

    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00947: not enough values

    Got to know the error why this is happening as we are passing (?) it is throwing ORA Error

    Any thought like how can we overcome this ....?? Eager to know your thought so that it would be helpful for me to proceed further
  • For sending the doc as BLOB i am using insert query. I have tried multiple combination but still I am getting the below error

    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00947: not enough values

    Got to know the error why this is happening as we are passing (?) it is throwing ORA Error

    Any thought like how can we overcome this ....?? Eager to know your thought so that it would be helpful for me to proceed further
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