Smart Service/ Plugin for Rest service which returns document as base64 String response


Do we have any plugin/ smart service which consume Rest service and return a document as baseB4 string response. But the response should automatically create the document in Appian repository without mapping the base64 string to a process variable. (may consume too much memory, if response get mapped to a variable)

I have already checked Advanced Call web service (supports only SOAP services)/ Base64 Request to REST Web Service (expects request as base64 string) and felt not suitable for my requirements.


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  • Are you sure the Base64 Request to REST Web Service plug-in won't work? It includes parameters for responseFileName and responseParentFileFolder that are used to store documents returned by the service. I think you should be able to make the request without passing in a document and then use those two parameters to convert any base64 documents in the response into Appian documents. Have you tried that unsuccessfully?
  • Are you sure the Base64 Request to REST Web Service plug-in won't work? It includes parameters for responseFileName and responseParentFileFolder that are used to store documents returned by the service. I think you should be able to make the request without passing in a document and then use those two parameters to convert any base64 documents in the response into Appian documents. Have you tried that unsuccessfully?
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