Comments not getting displayed while executing MySQL Script in Higher Environment

I have a MySQL Query with my comments in it. I executed the same in higher environment and found that comments are not available and it shows blank space. Any thoughts why it is behaving like this. This happened with me for a stored procedure.


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  • How are you attempting to view those comments? Are you using SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or trying to see them in a different way?
  • @philb: I have provided my comments in BEGIN - END block only in the Definition area of the stored procedure. Sample one is as follows:

    /* =============================================*/
    /* Author: Jai Joshi */
    /* Date Created: 19/09/2016 */
    /* Description: */
    /* =============================================*/

    SELECT , from where = CONSTANT;
  • Ok - how are you attempting to view the comments after creation?
  • @philb: I clicked on the Stored Proc name and the window appears which is not showing me the comments
  • In... phpMyAdmin? MySQL workbench? which software?
  • It looks like this is a phpMyAdmin issue - see here:
  • @philb: Is there any alternate to retain the comments? Is there any support case raised for the same? In absence of seeing these comments we loose the audit of any changes which are being done to the MySQL object
  • Not that I'm aware of, it's probably worth raising a support case. I'd also question the validity of using comments as an audit trail; you should be using a version control system to track such changes.