Grid Layout


~~Noticed a weird behaviour with floating point field~~

Scenario: I have a gridLayout with a single column called "GST Amount($)" which is of type Number(Decimal). I am facing a issue when i call this gridLayout from a different interface. It is working fine in the interface it is created.

Rule 1: Grid Row Layout - Floating point field - (just had value & saveInto)
Rule 2: Grid Layout - A CDT as input which has the above number decimal column ##WORKING FINE TILL THIS LEVEL##
Rule 3: rule!Rule_2(ri!CDT) - ## NOT WORKING ##

ERROR : Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error in rule 'fin_inv_sample1' (called by rule 'fin_inv_sample2') : An error occurred while executing a save: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid index: Cannot index property '["evaluatedui" 0 "evaluatedui" 1 "designerwrapper_main" "with" 2 "with" 5 "expd_sailappmain" "load" 2 "expd_sailruledesigner" "e...


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  • @pavithrac Great.!

    I wouldn't say that because till date I haven't seen such a constraint being specified by Appian. To the best of my knowledge, this behavior seems to be weird but as said earlier I didn't dig deep as I haven't got much time. If you have got time, it might be worth testing the same in versions earlier to 16.2 or referring inline grid examples in SAIL recipes and in case if you identify any difference in behavior, mention it here so that the Engineering Team can pick up the same.
  • @pavithrac Great.!

    I wouldn't say that because till date I haven't seen such a constraint being specified by Appian. To the best of my knowledge, this behavior seems to be weird but as said earlier I didn't dig deep as I haven't got much time. If you have got time, it might be worth testing the same in versions earlier to 16.2 or referring inline grid examples in SAIL recipes and in case if you identify any difference in behavior, mention it here so that the Engineering Team can pick up the same.
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