Grid Layout


~~Noticed a weird behaviour with floating point field~~

Scenario: I have a gridLayout with a single column called "GST Amount($)" which is of type Number(Decimal). I am facing a issue when i call this gridLayout from a different interface. It is working fine in the interface it is created.

Rule 1: Grid Row Layout - Floating point field - (just had value & saveInto)
Rule 2: Grid Layout - A CDT as input which has the above number decimal column ##WORKING FINE TILL THIS LEVEL##
Rule 3: rule!Rule_2(ri!CDT) - ## NOT WORKING ##

ERROR : Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error in rule 'fin_inv_sample1' (called by rule 'fin_inv_sample2') : An error occurred while executing a save: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid index: Cannot index property '["evaluatedui" 0 "evaluatedui" 1 "designerwrapper_main" "with" 2 "with" 5 "expd_sailappmain" "load" 2 "expd_sailruledesigner" "e...


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