Automation of Bulk Upload of data

Hi All,

We need to upload a text file into AppianDB daily night that contains almost 60000 rows. I was thinking of going for a stored procedure for that but our will be on the Application server & the DB is present on another server. Can anyone guide a way how can I do it without creating an Appian process as I don't want to parse such large data into our system.

Thanks in Advance


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  • @rishub - Adding to @ryanh comments - We did it similarly only we used stored procedure which takes input as xml (converted CSV parsed data to xml). This helped us in delegating some part of work to stored proc rather than using Appian OOTB write to data store entities. Another approach is to write a smart service which takes document id as parameter and parses it stores in db.
  • @rishub - Adding to @ryanh comments - We did it similarly only we used stored procedure which takes input as xml (converted CSV parsed data to xml). This helped us in delegating some part of work to stored proc rather than using Appian OOTB write to data store entities. Another approach is to write a smart service which takes document id as parameter and parses it stores in db.
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