Update single column in a table (Update single field in cdt)

Certified Lead Developer
In Appian normally we will update a record by passing complete record with updated data.
I have a requirement to update single column in a table(updating single field in a record) instead of updating complete record.
like, update <table> <field>=<value> where <key>=<value>.


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Thanks all.

    I am trying with CDT.If the field is of type single(primitive) it is working fine.But the fields of type array it is mapping differently.
    I could see that, if we are mapping from CDT to database for array type fields appain is creating seperate table, handling the operations differently(but working fine).
    In my case when creating new CDT (summery CDT) for updation , again one more table is creating for array type fields, not mapping with existing one.I want it to map with existing tables.
    How to handle this scenario?
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Thanks all.

    I am trying with CDT.If the field is of type single(primitive) it is working fine.But the fields of type array it is mapping differently.
    I could see that, if we are mapping from CDT to database for array type fields appain is creating seperate table, handling the operations differently(but working fine).
    In my case when creating new CDT (summery CDT) for updation , again one more table is creating for array type fields, not mapping with existing one.I want it to map with existing tables.
    How to handle this scenario?
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