Missing Dependents throws up error


Missing depedent check is throwing up the following error while running on the server: "Expression evaluation error : Error evaluating function fn!getdependentapps_appian_internal : Query failed [request=QueryRequest{from=Type -10 (id=-10), timeZone=null, query=Query[criteria[(relationships.uuid in TypedValue[it=103,v={_a-0000d8d4-9517-8000-9ba2-011c48011c48_921}])], PagingInfo[startIndex=0, batchSize=-1, sort=[]], options=QueryOptions{dataLimitInBytes=100000000, cardinalityPrecisionThreshold=0, timeoutMs=-1}]}, ES search request={ "from" : 0, "query" : { "filtered" : { "query" : { "match_all" : { } }, "filter" : { "nested" : { "filter" : { "terms" : { "relationships.uuid" : [ "_a-0000d8d4-9517-8000-9ba2-011c48011c48_921" ] } }, "path" : "relationships" } } } } }]"

Search server is running and I see following error in search-server.log: [2016-11-15 07:05:49,595][WARN ][org.elasticsearch.indices.cl...


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