Archiving/ Deleting Process Instances that are paused by exception/ Cancelled

Archiving/ Deleting Process Instances that are paused by exception/ Cancelled improves environment's performance?
Our environment has become too slow and we are planning to create a utility model for auto clean up. Does it help if we archive unwanted process instances in environment?


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Archiving processes will remove them from memory, but that memory will not be made available until checkpointing. So, make sure you have your system running the right maintenance processes, like checkpointing and cleanup (logs).
    Some other suggestions are:
    - ensure you are archiving processes as soon as possible
    - ensure you are making processes small (minimize nodes and PVs and arrays in PVs); break up into subprocesses that can be archived
    - ensure you are not saving data into PVs that is not needed for the process

    There are lots more ideas for best practices on this topic in the product documentation if you find it helpful.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Archiving processes will remove them from memory, but that memory will not be made available until checkpointing. So, make sure you have your system running the right maintenance processes, like checkpointing and cleanup (logs).
    Some other suggestions are:
    - ensure you are archiving processes as soon as possible
    - ensure you are making processes small (minimize nodes and PVs and arrays in PVs); break up into subprocesses that can be archived
    - ensure you are not saving data into PVs that is not needed for the process

    There are lots more ideas for best practices on this topic in the product documentation if you find it helpful.
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