issue with getdocumentsfromfolder function

The getdocumentsfromfolder function seems straightforward but for some reason, it is not returning any documents when being used in one of our processes.
I have a sub-process which is being passed the folder in a pv called pv!requestFolder. I can see this folder in our documents tab and there are documents in it. This folder is called "SC-2016-00177". The sub-process calls the getdocumentsfromfolder function and saves the output into a pv of type documents (multiple).

rootFolder : pv!requestFolder ,
recursiveSearch : true()

In the process, I can see that the value of the folder has been passed properly to a pv of type folder and the value is SC-2016-00177.
However, when the expression runs, it doesn't return the list of documents.
The security on the folder is correct.
Even when I try to run this in an expression rule, I can't get the list of documents to be retu...


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  • If the options were disabled already there are two possible situations:

    1. The options were disabled AFTER the documents had been already created thus they remained as "pending approval". This is possible because disabling the checkbox doesn't auto-approve the pending approval documents

    2. Or you're facing the issue from KB article


    1. For #1 above, can you try uploading new files to check if they are found now? IF they are then the issue is resolved.

    2. If not resolved for new documents then that's right you'll have to run "Remove Approval Required" after creating a folder if:
    ---> You're creating the folder with a custom plugin
    ---> You're creating the folder in a KC that has those checkbox enabled but then moving the folder with a smart service
  • If the options were disabled already there are two possible situations:

    1. The options were disabled AFTER the documents had been already created thus they remained as "pending approval". This is possible because disabling the checkbox doesn't auto-approve the pending approval documents

    2. Or you're facing the issue from KB article


    1. For #1 above, can you try uploading new files to check if they are found now? IF they are then the issue is resolved.

    2. If not resolved for new documents then that's right you'll have to run "Remove Approval Required" after creating a folder if:
    ---> You're creating the folder with a custom plugin
    ---> You're creating the folder in a KC that has those checkbox enabled but then moving the folder with a smart service
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