Daylight saving in PST tme zone

I have a requirement to schedule a meeting and set date in the next step. I have used totime(local(now(),"PDT")). During daylight saving it is correct. But now as daylight saving has ended it is giving the wrong value. Please advise.


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  • @mrunmayeen Instead of passing time zone acronym, how about passing time zone id such as fn!local(fn!now(),"America/Los_Angeles")? Rather than we considering the Daylight savings, how about leaving it to the System to come up with the adjusted time(include daylight saving if needed or ignore it)? Not sure how far this fits your requirement, but this was my thought.
  • @mrunmayeen Instead of passing time zone acronym, how about passing time zone id such as fn!local(fn!now(),"America/Los_Angeles")? Rather than we considering the Daylight savings, how about leaving it to the System to come up with the adjusted time(include daylight saving if needed or ignore it)? Not sure how far this fits your requirement, but this was my thought.
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