Pagination - Memory threshold issue.

We have a query as below

In the above query how is "ri!pageInfo" working? I could not find any parameters like batch size set for pageInfo. Please help how does it work for the above query.

How does pageInfo decrease the load on Appian? I have referred the below link, but did not understand much, Please help me on this.


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  • If pageInfo is used the query returns a datasubset, then query returms same number of records that is mentioned in the "batchSize" of pagingInfo, but the totalCount if the datasubset is the total number of records that matches the search criteria.
    For exampple there are 15 records that match the search criteria, if the pagingInfo(startIndex:1, batchSize:10), then the query returns only 10
    records out of 15, but the totalCount of the datasubset will be 15. If the user clicks on the next button in the paging grid, the the startindex gets updated to 11 and gets the query gets the next 5 records. So at a time appian gets 10 records even if the total number of records matching the search criteria are more that the batchsize. Hence the load on appian gets reduced.

    Please let me know if you need more information.
  • If pageInfo is used the query returns a datasubset, then query returms same number of records that is mentioned in the "batchSize" of pagingInfo, but the totalCount if the datasubset is the total number of records that matches the search criteria.
    For exampple there are 15 records that match the search criteria, if the pagingInfo(startIndex:1, batchSize:10), then the query returns only 10
    records out of 15, but the totalCount of the datasubset will be 15. If the user clicks on the next button in the paging grid, the the startindex gets updated to 11 and gets the query gets the next 5 records. So at a time appian gets 10 records even if the total number of records matching the search criteria are more that the batchsize. Hence the load on appian gets reduced.

    Please let me know if you need more information.
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