Creating links in fitnesse

I am trying to create a link to a user created page from the front page, using an Alias to that link like given below:-

Link Name (Alias) "Test Page" Actual link :- http://localhost:8980/Test

Expected is Alias should behave as hyper link and on clicking the Alias it should take to the Actual link ( i.e. Test Page). But this is not happening.
Either the Alias comes as a normal word or Alias and Actual link both come side by side(as in the code).

Below the the code snippet used to create link:-

[[ CardCancellation ] [ http://localhost:8980/Test ]]

I had tried using the link button option (in rich text format) also and feeding the link in the dialog box which pops up to accept the link.

Find attached the screenshot of how it appears on home page. Please help.


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