Parallel Service Calls

How can we implement parallel Service calls instead Sequential Service calls?


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  • Just a curious question: On the SAIL Interface, are the web services being consumed(primarily GET requests) using a!httpQuery(if REST based) or by webservicequery() (if webservice is SOAP based). And how are you parsing the response and mapping to the local! variables in the SAIL interface? Is it being done on the SAIL UI? How complex is the response of the webservice? Is too much parsing involved?
  • Just a curious question: On the SAIL Interface, are the web services being consumed(primarily GET requests) using a!httpQuery(if REST based) or by webservicequery() (if webservice is SOAP based). And how are you parsing the response and mapping to the local! variables in the SAIL interface? Is it being done on the SAIL UI? How complex is the response of the webservice? Is too much parsing involved?
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