Generate Doc using BinaryCode

Dears ,

I am getting a binary code for a document and i want to generate that document using appian smart node or plugin so i only need to give the binaryCode and the result will be a document file.

Thanks and appreciate your helps


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  • What do you have in that binary code? Do you have the library that converts the binary back into a document? If its the case, you can write a simple plugin that uses the ContentServices in Appian to convert this binary to Appian document (assuming the code will involve the bit that knows how to convert the binary back into the document format). Double check if this is Binary or ASCII. Sometimes, if you open a document in notepad, you will get to see the ASCII format of that document. If this be the case, then you should technically be able to save the exact ASCII in a file within Appian and rename it to the appropriate extension of the incoming file.
  • Thanks for your replay .

    our case that we have base64Binary we will save it to database then we need to generate doc based on the code without save it to appian server is that applicable?

    what is the other solutions.

  • So, what do you want to do with the generated document? Is it something like real-time download that you are taking about? One option is to create a servlet plugin that generates the document as a response to the HTTP request and returns this as the MIME type of the Http Response. This way, it will appear as if when you click on the link, the document is getting downloaded from the server, but in reality, your servlet plugin is creating the document from the base64 and setting the mimme type to make the browser think its downloading a document.