Static Link with Dynamic Data

Hi All,
I have a scenario, where Lets say I am dealing with Case management, as of today the Application has an action and the action contains different filter criteria like A, B , C are the selected filter criteria. Now after selection we have an option for Generate Link, Imagine that , The link is pointing towards the Excel sheet which contains the 500 rows of satisfied filter criteria.( User is given only the link to that excel sheet which is a static link)

Now my Use case is user copies that link and sends to someone else in the team. user B who received this link will open the link 2 days after.
But now in these 2 days there are extra 200 cases created with all the filters satisfied.

Is there a way where I can include all these extra 200 cases also into already generated excel sheet when user B clicks on that link. If so please let me know the solution.
Or else does anyon...


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    If the only constraint you're running into has to do with new records added after the original link is generated, how about adding an invisible dateTime filter to the initial query that only returns records created up until that point? Then if someone downloads using the same link a few days later, any new ones would not be included in the filter. I'm assuming that all record rows have some sort of "created date" automatically generated at time of creation. Then again, even if not, you could also query for the highest primary key ID at the time of creation, and filter on that instead.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    If the only constraint you're running into has to do with new records added after the original link is generated, how about adding an invisible dateTime filter to the initial query that only returns records created up until that point? Then if someone downloads using the same link a few days later, any new ones would not be included in the filter. I'm assuming that all record rows have some sort of "created date" automatically generated at time of creation. Then again, even if not, you could also query for the highest primary key ID at the time of creation, and filter on that instead.
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