Capture XML and PDF


i am having basic doubts, I am wokring on Case360 BPM, for this tool input will be XML and PDF or only XML and it will place in specific folder and then system will pick the xml and read the value from thexml and then store in process fields or Input from UI level

But in Appian, i know from User input form we can trigger the process instance

but in appian how we can capture the input which is coming as XML and PDF

can any one help me on that based on that i have to do some POC


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  • Hello ,

    There is basically two ways you would be able to do this kind of use cases:
    1) Pull - You use a start even timer to wait for certain interval and query your data source/folder to look for new cases (XML and PDF) and do what ever is necessary in case new case exists.

    2) Push - Expose an Appian process as web service and make the external system invoke your Appian process instance when a new case is created.
  • Hello ,

    There is basically two ways you would be able to do this kind of use cases:
    1) Pull - You use a start even timer to wait for certain interval and query your data source/folder to look for new cases (XML and PDF) and do what ever is necessary in case new case exists.

    2) Push - Expose an Appian process as web service and make the external system invoke your Appian process instance when a new case is created.
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