an issue with a record grid view will not sort a field

A Score Level 1
I have an issue with a column in a record list grid view. I have an element of the array that needs to correspond to another table using a lookup table and foreign keys, this element is a list of strings. so I created a expression rule and query rules to fetch the correct data. then in the grid I entered the rf!IdValue as the field,

the result was the the data was correct on the initial load but would not sort with the other data , remaining in the same rows instead of matching the other sorted rows.

I also tried adding the IdValue to the array that was returned from the expression rule. the results to this was when the sort changed the Id would move with them but the other values would not move. I have verified the expression rule is returning the correct values.


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  • As far as I can understand you need cdt that contains your data and not different arrays. So you have to first populate all your data into cdt using type!CDT() and then use the cdt fields( which will be tied as dataprovider to grid) as grid field to sort. But this has extra processing. In your case if you create a view and map it to cdt and use it for record grid view then your sorting problem will be resolved.
  • As far as I can understand you need cdt that contains your data and not different arrays. So you have to first populate all your data into cdt using type!CDT() and then use the cdt fields( which will be tied as dataprovider to grid) as grid field to sort. But this has extra processing. In your case if you create a view and map it to cdt and use it for record grid view then your sorting problem will be resolved.
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