Profiles Email Address

Hi Team,

Is there any way to set a dummy email address for all user profiles in a lower environment?.

Please provide an approach or set of steps for achieving this.

It would need to be a mass update since we are handling +45k users so we don't need to input first name and last name each time rather than update dummy email address only.


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I'm guessing you could create a process model which first loads the usernames of all users in a specified group (and by that i mean you'd feed in a group containing all users you want to update), then iterates through them one by one and uses the update user info smart service node to set the email address to whatever you like - it could either be the same thing for all, or something dynamic based on their username or user details, pretty easily. It would even work for 45,000 users though you'd have to batch up your MNI calls so that none of them exceed 1,000 (divide into subprocesses, etc).
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I'm guessing you could create a process model which first loads the usernames of all users in a specified group (and by that i mean you'd feed in a group containing all users you want to update), then iterates through them one by one and uses the update user info smart service node to set the email address to whatever you like - it could either be the same thing for all, or something dynamic based on their username or user details, pretty easily. It would even work for 45,000 users though you'd have to batch up your MNI calls so that none of them exceed 1,000 (divide into subprocesses, etc).
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