Profiles Email Address

Hi Team,

Is there any way to set a dummy email address for all user profiles in a lower environment?.

Please provide an approach or set of steps for achieving this.

It would need to be a mass update since we are handling +45k users so we don't need to input first name and last name each time rather than update dummy email address only.


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  • Out of interest, how did you end up with "real" users in a test or dev environment? I would have thought LDAP sync or equivalent wouldn't be enabled for that environment for exactly the reasons you describe. Normally we'd have manually-created users (or rather, some users created using import users from csv) so that we're in control of the email addresses.
  • Out of interest, how did you end up with "real" users in a test or dev environment? I would have thought LDAP sync or equivalent wouldn't be enabled for that environment for exactly the reasons you describe. Normally we'd have manually-created users (or rather, some users created using import users from csv) so that we're in control of the email addresses.
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