Profiles Email Address

Hi Team,

Is there any way to set a dummy email address for all user profiles in a lower environment?.

Please provide an approach or set of steps for achieving this.

It would need to be a mass update since we are handling +45k users so we don't need to input first name and last name each time rather than update dummy email address only.


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  • In our project the user profiles were also stored in the database. so for the lower environments we could just run a simple update query to change all the emails. Also we had a primary business email box that was stored in a constant. so this constant would get appended to all of the addresses that were going to get sent out in our Process Model. In the lower environments we just set that constant to someone on our team's email. In production it was the actual value. Not sure if this is helpful to you.
  • In our project the user profiles were also stored in the database. so for the lower environments we could just run a simple update query to change all the emails. Also we had a primary business email box that was stored in a constant. so this constant would get appended to all of the addresses that were going to get sent out in our Process Model. In the lower environments we just set that constant to someone on our team's email. In production it was the actual value. Not sure if this is helpful to you.
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