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  • Record data does not refresh even refreshOnVarChange is set

    I have a record type called "Case", and it has a field called "assignee". I also have an interface, in the interface, I have a grid field that show all cases, with multi-selection enabled a dropdown field allow user choose an assignee …
  • I set the "Re-Assignment" Privileges to "No-Privilege" but I still continue to see the "Reassign" button in the task

    I set in the User Task the ReAssignment privileges to "No privilege" because I don't want that a user can reassign a task if another assigned the same to himself. But the "Reassign" button keeps staying when I open the task. Any advice?
  • Who is assigned to a task

    Is there a way to query up who is assigned to a particular task? I've got a process report, but I'd like to somehow pull the assignee for a particular task out of that for use elsewhere. What is the best way to do that?