Is there a way to query up who is assigned to a particular task? I've got a process report, but I'd like to somehow pull the assignee for a particular task out of that for use elsewhere. What is the best way to do that?
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Hi Marco
We can create query process analytics to query the data from the process report. Through this we can apply filters and query particular details similar to query entity
Please refer the link below
Thanks for the reply, but how do I refer to the process report? The documentation says to make a constant like this:
=a!queryprocessanalytics(report: cons!all_processes)
However, when I create a constant, there is no option in the dropdown for a process report. Process model, report and task report are options, but not process report.
Process Reports are stored as a special type of Document. Thus you'd make a constant of type "document" and set it to point to the process report document.
Huh... Document. I wouldn't have guessed that. Does this mean they are static objects? Or do they get updated on the fly?
Process / Task Reports are one of the last vestiges of really, really legacy functionality within Appian. That's my best guess as far as explaining this discrepancy.
I'm not sure what you mean by "static" exactly - if you edit and then save changes to a report, the document object itself is updated (so you don't need to make special efforts to worry about versioning, etc). I assume that means the answer to your last question is "yes", if I'm understanding you correctly.
I mean if what's currently going on in the processes that the report is reporting changes, do I need to update the report to reflect that? Or will it automatically check out the processes? I'm guessing not?
Process reports reflect live data. The only time you need to change them is if you want to add new columns or change the behavior of existing columns, etc.
Alright, that's what I wanted to know. Thanks!
I'm having a hard time with a!queryprocessanalytics, figuring out the parameters in particular. Other than the report, there are 5 optional parameters that presumably narrow down your search: contextGroups, contextProcessIds, contextProcessModels contextUsers and query. If I use contextProcessModels, I get back a list of processes that use that process model, which is fine. However, if I use any other context, I get the following error message:
errorMessage"Empty context passed in for report FMV Tiering Task List [id=6096]. (APNX-1-4156-000)"
I've checked the report to make sure whatever I passed in those other contexts was something actually on the report. Also if I use contextProcessModels in addition to any of the other contexts, I get this error:
errorMessage"Only one context parameter should be provided, but the following context parameters were not null: contextProcessModels, contextGroups. (APNX-1-4275-006)"
So obviously I can only use one of the 4 contexts, but I'm doing something wrong with them. Any idea what?
Marco said:if I use any other context, I get the following error
IIRC there are different types of primitive report and each one only takes the specific type of context that it can handle. A process model report only takes "list of process model". A task report takes "user", etc.
Context is not what you should be doing to filter - the context should be everything the report will take into consideration. Filtering should be done in your query itself.