Call published process model as web service within Appian using call web smart service

We are trying to call published process model as web service using call web smart service but getting connection timeout error.

Please find the attached screen shot for error details.


Also we have tried calling this WSDL using SOAP UI but getting Failed to load URL error. Please find the attached screenshot for it.


Below are settings we have in


#### Web Services: Exposing Processes as Web Services ####


## See uddi-config.xml.example for how to configure UDDI registries

## By default process models exposed as a web service can be found at


## If you want a different base URL (part before /webservice..) define that here

## An application server or web server connected to the system must be listening




#### Web Services Node ####



## The following are properties that control the behavior of HTTP connections

## made by the Call Web Service Node during service invocation.

## Number of seconds to wait to establish a connection with a web service host


## Once a connection is established, the number of seconds to wait for a

## response to a request


## Number of redirect responses (HTTP 304) the web service node will accept



Is there any settings/configurations we are missing? Any help/pointers in this regards will be really appreciated.

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