Issue while inserting data in third party data source

Hi All

I am working on version 17.2.

I am connecting with a third party data source. I have created a CDT which has the same structure as the table in the third party data source. I am able to select as well as update data in the third party data source. However, when I try to insert data in the table, the primary key value is not generated, i.e. it goes as null thus my process breaks at Write to data store entity; which is expected behavior.

At the third part data source, the primary key is a number which is created as "GENERATED AS IDENTITY NOT NULL". In my CDT I have given the annotation @SequenceGenerator and @GeneratedValue and the CDT is getting verified with the data source.

For reference, the ID column in my XSD is given as:

  <xsd:element name="ID" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
   <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Id @GeneratedValue @SequenceGenerator @Column(name="ID", columnDefinition="NUMBER")</xsd:appinfo>

Now I want to know how to handle the primary key column i.e. what do I insert as a value in ID column.

Thanks in advance!!

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi @komalc one small clarification, which database is getting used by Third Party System like Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL etc...

    The reason behind asking is, @SequenceGenerator represents the generation strategy as Sequence which is one of the type of generator, and there many databases which do not support Sequence Strategy for PK Generation, such as MYSQL

    These are few popular databases which supports Sequence Generation Strategy, such as:

    Oracle, SQL Server 2012, PostgreSQL, DB2, HSQLDB etc..


    So, if your DB supports Sequence Generation Strategy then try defining this as mention below:


    @Column(name="ID", columnDefinition="NUMBER")




    Hope this will help you.

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to aloks0189
    Hi Alok

    Thank you for replying!
    The third party data source is Oracle.

    As mentioned in my question, the primary key is a number which is created as "GENERATED AS IDENTITY NOT NULL" in the Oracle data base; the primary key created doesn't have any sequenceName.

    Any suggestions.
  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to komalc3

    I'm guessing you're on Oracle 12c? Have you tried it with the @GeneratedValue annotation but without the @SequenceGenerator annotation? I think IDENTITY means you don't get a sequence name - it's Oracle's equivalent of AUTO_INCREMENT. If it doesn't work without @SequenceGenerator, IDENTITY might not be supported yet - worth raising a support case to check.

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to komalc3

    I'm guessing you're on Oracle 12c? Have you tried it with the @GeneratedValue annotation but without the @SequenceGenerator annotation? I think IDENTITY means you don't get a sequence name - it's Oracle's equivalent of AUTO_INCREMENT. If it doesn't work without @SequenceGenerator, IDENTITY might not be supported yet - worth raising a support case to check.
