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How to construct REST API to Support both XML and JSON format .

When the consumer makes a Rest Call  to Provider, Provider  Should return the response depends on consumer Request.How to construct  REST API  to Support both XML and JSON.

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  • You may want to do something like this below: 


    /* Assuming the consumer request passes a parameter contentFormat with values either JSON or XML

    * Get the requestFormat


    local!requestFormat: nvl(http!request.queryParameters.contentFormat."JSON") 


    /* Set contentType to set in response based on request Format 


    local!contentType: if( local!requestFormat="JSON",  "application/json", "application/xml")




    * Do some application logic and set local!data as data to be sent back as response.





       * set content-type based on local!contentType


       headers: {

         a!httpHeader(name: "Content-Type", value: local!contentType)



       * use tojson or toxml based on  requestFormat


       body: if( local!requestFormat="JSON", a!toJson(local!data),  toxml(local!data))


  • You may want to do something like this below: 


    /* Assuming the consumer request passes a parameter contentFormat with values either JSON or XML

    * Get the requestFormat


    local!requestFormat: nvl(http!request.queryParameters.contentFormat."JSON") 


    /* Set contentType to set in response based on request Format 


    local!contentType: if( local!requestFormat="JSON",  "application/json", "application/xml")




    * Do some application logic and set local!data as data to be sent back as response.





       * set content-type based on local!contentType


       headers: {

         a!httpHeader(name: "Content-Type", value: local!contentType)



       * use tojson or toxml based on  requestFormat


       body: if( local!requestFormat="JSON", a!toJson(local!data),  toxml(local!data))


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