Can Salesforce Connector a!sfcUpdate() be used in Script Node?


We have a scenario to integrate salesforce for case update at the end of the workflow which is outside of Sail form, and we are evaluation if salesforceConnector could be used by using a!sfcUpdate. anyone has any experience related to that?  we are using Appian 17.2

Btw: the document examples is used inside Sail Interface which doesn't meet our scenario.




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  • Hi pingc,

    To the best of my knowledge, a!sfcUpdate() returns a writer and must be used with the bind() function which eventually makes it usable only on SAIL.

    But this is not a blocker, there is a away which I think you can follow to accomplish your requirement. I believe, Appian Salesforce Connector functions are a kind of wrapper utilities that consume Web Service exposed by the external Salesforce system in the background. They are just another Web Service calls technically. So you can try consuming the Web Service exposed by the Salesforce system that you wanted to connect by using the Call Web Service Smart Service in the process model(since you didn't want it on the SAIL).

    Note: I haven't really tried the above solution even for myself. Instead it was just a suggestion and my thought process for your problem statement. Hope this helps. :)

    Thank you,
  • I would also recommend considering the consumption of Salesforce REST API via the HTTP Query Smart Service.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi i believe, you can't use a!sfcUpdate() in Script Task as this needs to get executed using bind() and this is possible using Interface.

    However did you try executing this using WEB-API (POST) because i believe we make the use of bind() in WEB-API when it's a POST Call, I didn't try this before but you can have a try on that, it should work.

    Also please do remember a!sfcUpdate() is only meant for SOAP based call specific to /v27.0 and /v28.0, hence first of all you need to be clear about what type of Service API are you trying to consume, whether it's a REST or SOAP, because your integration pattern also need to change according to the type of Service.