SharePoint Integration Using Integration Object

As our SharePoint is using OAuth authentication, We are restricted to use Integration Object to upload Appian document to SharePoint using Rest API call.  For this we are converting the Appian document to Base64 string and passing this value in the body. When the integration object is invoked, the document is created in SharePoint, but it is corrupted.

Rest API using in the integration: https://<hostname:portnumber>/_api/Web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('FolderPath')/Files/add(url='Demo%20Data%2010-08-2018.pdf',overwrite=true)

Does SharePoint detect the content-type and covert it the base64 to respective mime type i.e pdf, docx etc..

Please let me know if anyone used the Integration object with OAuth authentication to uplaod the documents to SharePoint from Appian.

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