Deprecating Webapi

Hi All,

How to deprecate a webapi .


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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi you can do following to deprecate a web API as mention below:

    1. If your API of type GET then delete all the operation such as querying the db etc.. and return {} as a response or a text response saying [DEPRECATED]

    2. If your API is of type POST then try creating a placeholder process having description as deprecated (this process will have only start and end node) and trigger this process and it's process instance ID will be returned as response, which means you have removed your complete business logic from the API. As post call returns process id as response, and you need to convey to the consumer system team about the deprecation of this API and as it's a BPM tool (but not java/.net) hence we cannot expose an API which can be accessed without the credentials, hence you might be aware of who and all are the consumer of your API so that you can inform them manually.

    But out of interest, why do you want to deprecate an API, Instead you can change its endpoint and it's implementation accordingly and use it for other future purposes and if you don't need any API in future at all, then you can remove it.

    Hope this will help you.