Tried passing multiple values to a query param to filter a column values that are in the list of values in query param.
In Query Filter tried the "in" operator. Its not working. Below is sample query param with multiple filters to filter by that I am trying.
Please advise how to filter based on multiple values.
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Hi Anusha, As far as I know the get parameters cannot take multiple inputs for the same param. We need to call the service twice. If you still want to have the same functionality, you can try to pass the inputs in the form of Json request body and read the inputs from the body. I think this should work.
Lets see other practitioners ideas.
yes seems like a limitation. I tried with POST operation too, trying to pass list of strings as JSON request but the POST operation does not show the request body input box to test. Only PUT operation has the request body to test in appian web api view.
Tried this with request in body, but just returns 200. The input request values are correct, because these same values when passed as single values in GET operation worked.
Input: ["IoT", "Quantum Computing"] */ local!entities: a!queryEntity( entity: cons!DataStore_Technologies_Constant, query: a!query( filter: a!forEach( items: http!request.body, expression : a!queryFilter( field: "Name", operator: "=", value: tostring(fv!item) ) ), pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 50 ) ) ).data,