integration logs

I have created a integration to a internal webservice a get call to return list of countries.

The integration was working yesterday morning but no longer working, this is in qa. I can call the webservice via browser on the appian box, however it no longer works when I try to get the data via  the test request in the integration.

 How do I see what is going on appian end, ie what logs can I view to get more information about this error.  JBoss logs doesn’t say much, only that connection is

ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Something went wrong, Failed to connect to https://xxxxx/reference/v1/country

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi a quick question here:

    What do you mean by "browser on the appian box"?

    Did you try clearing the browser history, cache and the cookies before accessing this URL via web browser. Also I believe, if you are trying to access this service directly via browser url, it must ask for authentication details.

    Also, may I know what's the Http status code you are getting in response while accessing this service using integration object? E.g. is that 404, 500 etc...

    Sometimes, irrespective of whether your service is working or not, browser will return the result using the cache/history.

    Also, can you try accessing this service using SOAPUI or any other Third party client. And check whether it's being accessed or not.

    Also, as this API is exposed via Appian hence don't forget to pass basic authentication details and preemptive as true while accessing it via third party client tool/browser plugins.

    If your SOAPUI is able to access this service then their must be something wrong in your integration object configuration but if not, then you need to cross check your API configuration.

    Hope this will help you in debugging this issue.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi a quick question here:

    What do you mean by "browser on the appian box"?

    Did you try clearing the browser history, cache and the cookies before accessing this URL via web browser. Also I believe, if you are trying to access this service directly via browser url, it must ask for authentication details.

    Also, may I know what's the Http status code you are getting in response while accessing this service using integration object? E.g. is that 404, 500 etc...

    Sometimes, irrespective of whether your service is working or not, browser will return the result using the cache/history.

    Also, can you try accessing this service using SOAPUI or any other Third party client. And check whether it's being accessed or not.

    Also, as this API is exposed via Appian hence don't forget to pass basic authentication details and preemptive as true while accessing it via third party client tool/browser plugins.

    If your SOAPUI is able to access this service then their must be something wrong in your integration object configuration but if not, then you need to cross check your API configuration.

    Hope this will help you in debugging this issue.
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