SAP BAPI ( Documents)

Hi all,

Does anyone know if Appian can receive documents through SAP BAPI, by using the sapInvoke function?  Also can Appian send documents directly to SAP BAPI, or is there a middle layer required for that?  Does anyone have any experience with this?   Any thoughts on this?

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  • Hello Jerry,

    Quite an interesting question, I personally haven’t tested it like that. It all depends on how you are passing the solution. How is the file stored in SAP. If possible It could be interesting to read your use case.

    I have a bunch of questions like:
    - which kind of documents? PDF? Csv? Idoc? Which kind of documents you need to move ?
    - how much? How often? How big are the files?
    - Do you need to move files back and forth between Appian and SAP ?
    - is the BAPI the only option you have available to get the file? Have you evaluated the gateway with odata? Or maybe just a simple SFTP? Do you have PO/PI/CPI ?
    - Do you have portal or something that could help? Maybe a combination of SSO, and just sending to Appian the link?
    - or simply create a custom smart service for Appian.

    Specifically for your question:
    It depends on how you are sending the file, are you using the SOAP protocol attachment ? If so then I am not sure how Appian will internally handle the multipart which could be the only thing I am wouldn’t be so sure. (Maybe you can ask support).

    Some reference links I found interesting: Sign-On with SAML 2.0

    Hope this helps
  • Hello Jerry,

    Quite an interesting question, I personally haven’t tested it like that. It all depends on how you are passing the solution. How is the file stored in SAP. If possible It could be interesting to read your use case.

    I have a bunch of questions like:
    - which kind of documents? PDF? Csv? Idoc? Which kind of documents you need to move ?
    - how much? How often? How big are the files?
    - Do you need to move files back and forth between Appian and SAP ?
    - is the BAPI the only option you have available to get the file? Have you evaluated the gateway with odata? Or maybe just a simple SFTP? Do you have PO/PI/CPI ?
    - Do you have portal or something that could help? Maybe a combination of SSO, and just sending to Appian the link?
    - or simply create a custom smart service for Appian.

    Specifically for your question:
    It depends on how you are sending the file, are you using the SOAP protocol attachment ? If so then I am not sure how Appian will internally handle the multipart which could be the only thing I am wouldn’t be so sure. (Maybe you can ask support).

    Some reference links I found interesting: Sign-On with SAML 2.0

    Hope this helps