AWS Signature 4 SHA256 Key Hashing

Hi All,

I've been trying to sign an AWS Signature 4 http request using both the Java Cryptography Library plugin and the Cryptography tools plugin.  The Appian code near the bottom is using the latter, but I've been getting the same results using the macsignature function from the Java library.

AWS has sample data to validate the process here:

The pertinent part is..


kSecret = '41575334774a616c725855746e46454d492f4b374d44454e472b62507852666943594558414d504c454b4559'  which is Hexencode("AWS4" + key)

kDate = '969fbb94feb542b71ede6f87fe4d5fa29c789342b0f407474670f0c2489e0a0d'

kRegion = '69daa0209cd9c5ff5c8ced464a696fd4252e981430b10e3d3fd8e2f197d7a70c'

kService = 'f72cfd46f26bc4643f06a11eabb6c0ba18780c19a8da0c31ace671265e3c87fa'

kSigning = 'f4780e2d9f65fa895f9c67b32ce1baf0b0d8a43505a000a1a9e090d414db404d'

Your program should generate the following values for the values in getSignatureKey. Note that these are hex-encoded representations of the binary data; the key itself and the intermediate values should be in binary format.

Using the below code I get the right result for kDate, but nothing is right after that. I'm assuming the reason is that I'm getting hex string back and I need to input a binary value, but I've tried encoding the subsequent keys to base64, but I still don't get the right values. To be honest I've tried just about everything I can think of in terms of hex-text binary encoding of the keys and values and I can't get the right values.  I was able to solve this with a SQL Server Function before, but that isn't an option now. Can anybody help determine if A) this is possible with Appian's Collating and Charater Encoding and B) If so how?

Please and thank you SO much for any guidance!

local!date: "20120215",
local!region: "us-east-1",
local!service: "iam",
local!request: "aws4_request",
local!kdate: hmacsha256hash(local!key, local!date),
local!kRegion: hmacsha256hash(local!kdate, local!region),
local!kService: hmacsha256hash(local!kRegion, local!service),
local!signing: hmacsha256hash(local!kService, local!request),




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  • I'm sorry to hear this has turned frustrating for you guys. To help get you started, I went ahead and put together a custom function plugin that will return the hex encoded signature key. I'll see if I can get that uploaded to the app market soon so that you can add it to your environments. What are you doing with the key once you generate it? Have you already determined whether, once the key is generated, you can then do what you need?

  • Eliot, that would be fantastic!  My plan is to use the key to create the signature that gets appended to the Authorization header.  To do that, I'll use the hmacsha256hash function from the Cryptographic Hash Functions plugin.  I've already created the rules to build the required string that gets signed with the signature key.

  • In all honesty, I was a bit impatient and wasn't sure if you would have time to make other changes, so I created my own plugin which basically does as you've described.  I modified the getSignatureKey to be a private method that returns the byte array and then added a new method for creating the signature, returning it as a hex encoded string.  I also added the use of secure credential store.  I'm still waiting for it to be deployed in our dev environment so I can test it fully. Once I've tested it, I'd be happy to share the source code so you can implement it in the Cryptography  Hash Functions plugin.

  • 0
    Appian Employee
    in reply to Josh

    That's great! One of the reasons we like to include the source code in our plugins is so that people can learn from them and build off them. I'm glad to hear you were able to do just that. 

  • We are working on an integration with Buckaroo, Buckaroo needs a secret key in the header.

    The key also need a hash on byte level, we are almost there in creating the expression but there is one problem.

    The functionality that is missing is in the current crypto plugin is the hmcasha256 hash on byte level instead of string level.


    Buckaroo documentation:

    example code C# line 63: 

    var secretKeyByteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SecretKey)


    Can you help us or give us pointers regarding the hash?

  • Are you looking for a method that will take in a byte array (as the key) and a string (the value to sign), and return a hex string (using the byte array to sign the string)? Or are you also needing to generate the key itself? 

    , I'm trying to figure out if this is the same problem you were having. Can you tell? It seems like one possible solution (if I can do it) would be to 1) give a snippet of SAIL that would take a hex string and convert it to binary 2) add a hmacsha256(bytes, string) method that you could then pass that binary string to. Does that sound right?

  • Looking at the code in the link Rick provided, it looks to be more simple than the AWS V4 signature.  Here's the steps I see for the Buckaroo use case:

    1. Convert the secretKey from string to byte array
    2. Convert the dataToSign from string to byte array
    3. Use secretKeyBytes to "sign" dataToSignBytes using hmacsha256 (output needs to be byte array).
    4. Convert signatureBytes to base64 encoded string (not a hex encoded string like awsV4)

    As for the AWS V4 Signature, here is the (verified working) class I came up with to produce the signature hex string.  This string then gets added to the authorization header in the actual request:

    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.crypto.Mac;
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import com.appiancorp.exceptions.InsufficientPrivilegesException;
    import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException;
    import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.ErrorCode;
    import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.expression.annotations.Category;
    import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.expression.annotations.Function;
    import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.expression.annotations.Parameter;
    public class AwsSignatureGenerator {
    	private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AwsSignatureGenerator.class);
    	public static String getAWSV4Signature(ServiceContext sc, SecureCredentialsStore scs,
    			@Parameter String scsExternalSystemKey, @Parameter String scsFieldKey, @Parameter String dateStamp,
    			@Parameter String regionName, @Parameter String serviceName, @Parameter String stringToSign)
    			throws Exception {
    		String key = getCryptoKey(scs, scsExternalSystemKey, scsFieldKey);
    		/* 1. Get signature key */
    		byte[] signatureKey = getSignatureKey(key, dateStamp, regionName, serviceName);
    		/* 2. Calculate signature */
    		byte[] signature = hmacSHA256(stringToSign, signatureKey);
    		/* 3. Encode signature to hex string and return value */
    		String stringHexSignature = bytesToHexString(signature);
    		return stringHexSignature;
    	private static byte[] hmacSHA256(String data, byte[] key) throws Exception {
    		String algorithm = "HmacSHA256";
    		Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(algorithm);
    		mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(key, algorithm));
    		return mac.doFinal(data.getBytes("UTF-8"));
    	private static byte[] getSignatureKey(String key, String dateStamp, String regionName, String serviceName)
    			throws Exception {
    		byte[] kSecret = ("AWS4" + key).getBytes("UTF-8");
    		byte[] kDate = hmacSHA256(dateStamp, kSecret);
    		byte[] kRegion = hmacSHA256(regionName, kDate);
    		byte[] kService = hmacSHA256(serviceName, kRegion);
    		byte[] kSigning = hmacSHA256("aws4_request", kService);
    		return kSigning;
    	private static String bytesToHexString(byte[] bytes) {
    		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    		for (byte b : bytes) {
    			sb.append(String.format("%02x", b));
    		return sb.toString();
    	private static String getCryptoKey(SecureCredentialsStore scs, String scsExternalSystemKey, String scsFieldKey)
    			throws AppianException {
    		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(scsExternalSystemKey)) {
    			try {
    				// Get Secure Credential Store
    				Map<String, String> credentials = scs.getSystemSecuredValues(scsExternalSystemKey);
    				if (!credentials.containsKey(scsFieldKey)) {
    					LOG.error("Field " + scsFieldKey + " does not exist in Secure Credential Store " + scsExternalSystemKey);
    					throw new AppianException(ErrorCode.EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_INVALID_ATTR_NAME, scsFieldKey);
    				// Return key
    				return credentials.get(scsFieldKey);
    			} catch (InsufficientPrivilegesException e) {
    				throw new AppianException(ErrorCode.EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES, e);
    		} else {

    For creating the "string to sign"  here is the expression rule we are using:

      Steps for creating an AWS V4 Signature:
        1. Create a Canonical Request:
           Canonical Request Format = 
        2. Create a String to Sign:
           StringToSign =
        3. Calculate the Signature:
        4. Create Authorization Header value:
           [algorithm] Credential=[accessKeyId]/[credentialScope], SignedHeaders=[signedHeaders], Signature=[signature]
      local!dateStamp: rule!TRSY_formatXAmzDateTime(dateTime: ri!dateTime, isDateOnly: true),
      local!dateTimeStamp: rule!TRSY_formatXAmzDateTime(dateTime: ri!dateTime),
      /* CredentialScope = [dateStamp]/[aws-region]/[aws-service]/aws4_request */
      local!credentialScope: joinarray(
      /* Step 1: Canonical request */
      local!canonicalRequest: with(
        local!hashedPayload: sha256hash(ri!body),
        local!headers: joinarray({
          "content-type:text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
          "x-amz-content-sha256:" & local!hashedPayload,
          "x-amz-date:" & local!dateTimeStamp
        }, char(10)),
      /* Step 2: String to sign */
      local!stringToSign: joinarray(
      /* Step 3: Signature */
      local!signature: getawsv4signature(
        scsExternalSystemKey: cons!TRSY_SQS_SCSFIELD_EXTERNALFIELD, 
        dateStamp: local!dateStamp, 
        regionName: cons!TRSY_SQS_AWS_REGION, 
        serviceName: cons!TRSY_SQS_SERVICE_NAME, 
      /* Step 4: Authorization header value */
        " ",
          ", "

    The TRSY_formatXAmzDateTime rule is just a helper to format the date/time into the format AWS requires:

      text(gmt(ri!dateTime), "yyyymmddThhmmss")&"Z",
      text(gmt(ri!dateTime), "yyyymmdd")

  • I think I should be able to add that capability to the cryptography hash plugin. I don't want it to get too unwieldy, but at the same time, it seems nice to have these things in one centralized location, and by adding it to the app market plugin, it promotes easy reuse by other members of the community. 

    To that end, can you confirm that the four steps that Josh outlined sound like the right steps for you? If so, I'll go ahead and add a function that does what he described. 

    Also, I've updated the cryptography plugin with the last step of the AWS signature process, so if anyone is looking for that, keep an eye out for version 2.2.0 or above.  ( , that will be the version that you probably want. once it's ready, you can deploy it to your cloud sites via the admin console.) I wound up making the method ever so slightly different than the example Josh gave, so you may need to modify your own SAIL code slightly if you're using Josh's as a reference.

  • I think the steps that Josh describes for me are correct. If we can have an addition on the current plugin that would be great. 

  • Sounds great! Version 2.3.0 should be available soon on the App Market and for deployment to cloud sites. That will have an "hmacsha256bytehash" method that will hopefully meet your needs (as well as a getAwsV4Signature, for those who needed an additional function to complete the aws workflow).

  • It works, thanks for you help! For the response back from Buckaroo I also need to decrypt (un-hash) the message. And the new challenge; they want to send a a-synchronized REST call back with the payment update without any basic authentication only with the hashed body, I'm trying to convince Buckaroo to use basic authentication.

  • Glad to hear the outbound call is working!! What sort of function would you need in order to decrypt the response? 

    For the second part, I think you're correct that you'll still need authentication for any incoming calls to Appian that aren't a direct response to a synchronous call. 

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