Integration component allows only 5 MB response



I'm calling REST webservice in integration component which returns more than 40k records which goes beyond 15 MB.

In this case integration component fails saying: "Unable to process response body - The response body was greater than 5 MB and could not be processed".

Is there any setting that I can increase to 20 MB ? or is there any other way to tackle this scenario ?




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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    40k records seems like a sub-optimal design! Most production ready REST services that I've used will utilise a $skip query parameter that allows paging of the data. Some such as Microsoft's graft will even provide the URL for the next fetch in the response. My only recommendation would be to speak to the webservice designer and suggest they make it more scalable in the politest way possible.
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    40k records seems like a sub-optimal design! Most production ready REST services that I've used will utilise a $skip query parameter that allows paging of the data. Some such as Microsoft's graft will even provide the URL for the next fetch in the response. My only recommendation would be to speak to the webservice designer and suggest they make it more scalable in the politest way possible.
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