How to download a file using REST service


one of the REST webservice returns the file. is there any way I can download that in knowledge center and show the link on SAIL form ?

Have anyone implemented this kind of solution ?



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hello Tushar,

    Maybe you can handle everything on a process, maybe directly on the interface but to give you a really good suggestion, Can you explain little more about the rest service?

    How it returns the file? Base64? Is it just text?

    Does the rest service just return the file?  Can you show a sample responde of the rest service ?


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hello Tushar,

    Maybe you can handle everything on a process, maybe directly on the interface but to give you a really good suggestion, Can you explain little more about the rest service?

    How it returns the file? Base64? Is it just text?

    Does the rest service just return the file?  Can you show a sample responde of the rest service ?


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