Integration Error "Something went wrong" when trying to invoke an API using a connected system


I face this error when invoking an API in the integration object using a connected system. Any possible solutions or suggestions?

Failed to connect to
Host name '' does not match the certificate subject provided by the peer (CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated)

Next Steps

Make sure that the URL host is correct
Try to open the URL in a web browser to verify that the value is correct
Ask a network administrator to investigate DNS problems
Check the error message for more information
Try the request again
If the problem persists, ask an administrator to investigate the problem
286 ms
Prepare: 276 ms - Execute: 10 ms - Transform: N/A

    success: false
    result: null (Null)
    error: IntegrationError
        title: "Something went wrong"
        message: "Failed to connect to"
        detail: "Host name '' does not match the certificate subject provided by the peer (CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated)"
    connectedSystem: null (Connected System)


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