I am trying to create a web-api in order to query data and expose them to applications hosted outside of appian.
However whatever I do I get the error : 443 Access Denied (authentication_failed).
So far I have done the following:
1)Create a Web-API service (query records)
2)Create a service account with an API-Key.
3)Changed the security in Record, Web-API objects so that the service account is viewer/admin (tried both nothing worked).
4)Used Postman and curl methods to send get requests.
5)When using Postman I tried Basic Auth where I provided my credentials. When I used API-key authorization I used as a key : Appian-API-Key and as a value the key that was bined to the service account.
6) For the curl command I used everything that is mentioned here: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/19.4/Web_API_Authentication.html#api-key-authentication.
7) I also went through the following post but nothing worked. (https://community.appian.com/discussions/f/integrations/18068/authentication-issue-with-web-api)
Any thoughts are welcome.
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Can you post the exact syntax of the CURL command you've attempted? Also, is your environment behind any special firewalls or other unique network configurations?
I have tried different combinations:
1)curl -u ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} https://example.appian.com/suite/webapi/endpoint
where for username and password I used my appian credentials.
2)curl example.appian.com/.../endpoint -H "Appian-API-Key: ${API_KEY}" where as API_KEY i used the API-Key that was generated when I created the service user.
No, I can access the environment without using any VPNs. How can I check if there any special firewall ?
I assume that if there was some special firewall, you'd probably know about it as it has to be requested by the owners of the environment as far as I know.
The exact CURL statement i've been using successfully is as follows (with sanitized url and api key, otherwise unchanged):
curl -k https://myserver.appiancloud.com/suite/webapi/HelloWorld -H "Appian-API-Key:123412341234123412341234"
Thanks for the suggestion however, it seems that everything I do I get authentication error so most probably there must be a firewall configuration that I am not aware of.