Hello, I am building a record type with a data source Other Web Service. When I click on a list item to view a summary I receive the following error:
An Error Has Occurred An error occurred while retrieving the data for MC_ITG_UserProfile. Details: Expression evaluation error in rule 'mc_itg_getsingleuserprofilemsgraph_singlerecordsource': Invalid index: Cannot index property 'body' of type Text into type Text (APNX-1-4205-003)
Can you tell me what the issue is with the expression in rule 'mc_itg_getsingleuserprofilemsgraph_singlerecordsource'?:
rule!MC_ITG_GetSingleUserProfileMSGraph(id: ri!id).result.body
The expression tests successfully - that is the call to Microsoft Graph.
@odata.context"">graph.microsoft.com/.../$metadata id"1d5a95ff-e7dd-4439-bffa-ea5905c733f8"(Text) displayName"Test CHRO"(Text)
Thank you,
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Thanks Stefan. I did select convert JSON to Appian value. I've been using Appian's integration tutorial on service backed records featuring SpaceX API as a guide. I'll comb over it again when I get a chance.